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12 Tips on Never, Ever Giving Up. It’s easy to give up; throw your hands up in the air and say, “I’m Done.”(By the way, does the line above remind you of that club song? If it doesn't, never mind.)It's easy to say, "That's it! I’m throwing in the towel."Whose...
Are you waiting for One Day?
Are You Waiting for Happiness? Discover the Truth about One Day Mindset Are you waiting for one day when everything will happen? When will it all balance out because you have reached all your milestones, and then you’ll be happy? Fully happy. Not waiting for something...
26 Things I AM Thankful For This Year
To remind myself there are always things to be Thankful for. This is a short list. What are yours? 1. For my voice. I was the shy kid that finally spoke up against injustice. 2. For courage and those that surround me with it. 3. All the new people and friends I have...
Newsweek Article on my Dad’s Case. Sept 2014.
This Newsweek article covers by dad's story and gives insight on the issue to be decided on October 30th, 2014. To read the article, click here.
Travel: Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic
Last year, I went to Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic for the first time and I can't wait to go back. If you are one of the few people that do not like going into the Ocean because you think of all the critters that exist in it, those you can't readily see, this is...
I am a Cosmopolitan Fun and Fearless Female!
Thank you Cosmopolitan Magazine for featuring me as a Fun and Fearless Female. Get your December 2013 copy (Miley Cyrus on the cover) at your nearest newsstand or convenience store. Available November 2013.
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