
The Modern Woman Mastermind®

Design a life you’re excited to wake up to.

Igniting your mindset to bring your goals to life

You want a thriving business, and you want your bank account to reflect that, but you don’t know where to start.

The Modern Woman Mastermind® System will be your roadmap to get clear, focused, and get things done!

You have 1000 ideas and none of them seem to be taking off. You know you are meant to be successful, meant to be running a flourishing business with ease, but you just don’t know how to make that a reality. 

If you’re an aspiring or new entrepreneur feeling stuck of overwhelmed because you don’t know where to start, or feels like there is never enough time, this is for you. 

The truth is, the reason you haven’t gotten your business off the ground yet is not time or money. 

It’s your current 🧠 mindset. 

If you didn’t have any time, you wouldn’t be reading this right now😉.

If it was a money issue,  the hundreds of hours and days you’ve spent on the free social media videos scrolling through strategies and hacks, would have let you to create the life and business of your dreams. 

You’re done with the 90 second reels that purposely go really fast, followed my kitchen cleaning videos and funny cats. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. 

Introducing the Modern Woman Mastermind Method.

You get to see results and not feel like you’re doing a whole lot of nothing and never getting to the good part! 

You know you didn’t come to this world to be a follower. And your life is NOT a TikTok Trend.

And since we know that, it’s time to shift from relying on bits of contradicting information from anyone on the internet, to trusting yourself. 

Because you are tapping into shifting to the Mastermind that you are.

Whether you are thinking of starting or already did, managing life and business is tricky.

The good news is, it’s normal! Many new entrepreneurs find themselves lost and depleted before even starting because they get stuck in the research mode.

  • With the Mastermind course, you get to do things differently and take action so that you don’t waste more time scrolling away for answers, further pulling you away from your goals. 
  • You get to see the results without burning out because you become a priority.

You step into your Modern Mastermind Power

If you don’t make a conscious decision to prioritize your desire to open an online business or finish that project you keep thinking about but never seem to have the time or money for, how do you think it will ever happen?

How many more years will you need? The answers won’t come from outside of you. 

The answers come from within. It starts with you. 


In a World full of distractions, we must consciously decide to design our lives.

If you want to

Learn how to find time to start your business or any other project. 

Uncover subconscious beliefs that block you from starting or moving on to the next level your crave for in life or business. 

Learn how be productive in a way that makes you happy! Not being a busy bee all while skipping lunch. 

Bring more joy, satisfaction, and a sense of purpose to your life.

Learn the brain-based strategies that will take you from thinking to achieving.

Develop courage to go from corporate to entrepreneurial lifestyle. 

Make every moment count instead of wasting it on nothing.

Develop confidence to speak up.

Remember: You can’t get all of our answers on Instagram because your life isn’t a trend.

Instagram Video
online business consultant

Introducing The Modern Woman Mastermind® Course

This 6-week intensive course, delivered in bite-size videos, is specifically designed for the busy but committed modern woman like YOU who is ready to stop letting all the ideas keep her stuck in the research before I start mode. 

You will learn how to prioritize your needs NOW (not later, not one day, not when it all falls into place).

I will guide you and provide you with the tools I’ve used in my life and as a certified neuro-based coach specializing in entrepreneurship and leadership. 

The Content

 1: Clearing Out

We are going to clear the stories in your head that are not serving you. Like saying: I don’t have any time! But yearning to start a business or do that “thing” you have been mentioning for a while. If you don’t have time and more of it hasn’t shown up (because it can’t) how will run a business? 

In order to do things differently, you must think differently. The decluttering process you go through here will shake things up for you so that we bring what needs to come to the up, to the surface. 

You will have a shift when you declutter your physical and mental space. Most people focus on the physical decluttering and while that can bring amazing results, the decluttering in our minds will bring in the shifts you need to move forward in your goals. 

2: Time

You are ready to let go of the feeling of scarcity by thinking there is never enough time and open yourself up to the joy & satisfaction of abundance of time.

You will soon find yourself doing more in a day than you’ve done in a month and realize time can work with you, once you start respecting your priorities. 


3: Mindset & Brain Power

With access to my neuroscience based coaching, you’ll quickly be able to identify limiting beliefs that are holding you back and how to shift them.  And you’ll be able to access these science based strategies on repeat moving forward and you’ll be able to use it regardless of any roadblocks you face in the future. 

This is how you go from procrastinating to achieving your goals.

In this Module, you will learn about the different mindsets and the one you’re using the most in your decision-making. 

The power is truly within you and your thoughts more than exterior circumstances. 

Thanks to modern science, we are able to learn more on the power of our brains to lead us into success or deter us from it. 


4: Goal Setting

Go from a never ending to-do list to knowing what needs to get done first and feel great about it!

You’ll go from doing more in one morning than you’ve done in a week.  

In this Module, you will fall in love with your goals again because they will stop feeling like a chore and will bring in the joy and satisfaction they were meant to bring in the first place. 

We will use simple methods that don’t complicate things further for you. 

 5: The Modern Money Mindset

The money topic is so important that we will dedicate a whole module to the mindset of money.

Learn how others like you have shifted their mindset after taking the course to make more money than they previously thought possible.

 6: Relationships as a Modern Woman

Oh yeah. We’re going there.
There is no denying that romantic relationships significantly affect us, our psyche, and our success.

This will be a quick training on how to manage relationships as it pertains to becoming an entrepreneur and running a business.


Private FB Group so that you can engage and ask questions, share your wins, and meet more amazing Masterminds! 

*Joining is not mandatory, it is optional! There are people who love a FB group and others who want to study without a group.

It starts with you.

A modern woman mastermind makes conscious decisions and learns how to live the life she envisions, not anyone else’s, and certainly not a random stranger’s, on social media.

If you’re here, you’ve been looking for a new way of living where you can feel fulfillment and not wait until a day that isn’t coming soon enough. 

I remember when I thought of starting a business, my biggest problem was knowing where to start or what to do with the so many skills and so many ideas. 

I used to stay up tossing and turning wondering what to do next and looking for reasons to download more and more pdfs that would take me to my next steps. 

I paid for courses. I got freebies but no one ever told me, I had to start within and believe in myself. 

If I didn’t work through my inner blocks, I would have a hard time starting because I would always find a reason for my my business idea would not work and then get confused with so much information. 

It starts with you. 

No one is going to come carve the time out for you.

I have personal development to thank for showing me what I needed to do to get though the challenges I faced (even before I started a business). In fact, this program has been taken by modern women who are not in business and want to shift into the Mastermind that is meant to be. 


There are no refunds. If you are purchasing The Modern Woman Mastermind® and for any reason you decide to leave before the full amount (one payment of $497 or 6 payments of $97) is paid off, you will be responsible for paying the difference of the full price of each program that has taken place since you first registered. If payments are late, you will be removed from any current program until payments are back in good standing.

For all programs and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless if you leave the program or do not complete it in the time-frame provided. There are no refunds.

The Modern Woman Mastermind® cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, coaching, plans, tools or strategies. 

You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of The Modern Woman Mastermind® brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of The Modern Woman Mastermind® programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings. There are no refunds. All sales are final. 

We may reference our own sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of our previous or existing purchasers. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success, and that the results we reference are not typical or average. We are displaying these results for example purposes only. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors, including your background, business experience, motivation and work ethic.


“It’s your life and you have a right to design it as you please.”

My Experience

I discovered bits and pieces of information and books I read were not enough to have me create impactful change. I wanted to do it alone. I wanted to figure it out alone. I understand now that the brain hates the unknown and will stick to habits even if offered a different solution because it tends to go for what is known.

I knew I couldn’t continue living the way I was living: attending to everyone’s needs first and hoping I would have enough time to trickle to me.
Don’t get me wrong, I had excelled in many areas of my life but I kept piling up things to do. A big turning point was when I caught myself running down a NYC block, eating a piece of pizza to make it to a casting on time.
I made a decision to start entering my lunch time into my calendar. The thought of that! How dare I? How dare I do something like that for myself?

I’m Joselyn Martinez, a business consultant, neuro-based coach, speaker, and the creator of The Modern Woman Mastermind®.



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    This course is broken down into 6-week increments but you can study at your own pace. You can binge on it and rewatch to complete the exercises as you see fit.

    In order to get results, you must put in the work. Listen to the modules, fill out the worksheets, and keep an open mind when it comes to adopting change.

    No, the course material is easy to digest and to the point. The goal of the course was tailored for the modern woman who wants to make changes quickly.

    How long is this course?

    This course is broken down into 6-week increments but you can study at your own pace. You can binge on it and rewatch to complete the exercises as you see fit. You can watch all of the videso in a weekend! However, we suggest allowing time to let the information become part of your daily life. Change in our habits take time and practice. I highly recommend you watch the videos more than once.

    How do I know if this will work for me?

    In order to get results, you must put in the work. Listen to the modules, fill out the worksheets, and keep an open mind when it comes to adopting change. Even if you’ve heard the info before, you are in a different place now and lasting change comes from repetition. 

    Is the course material difficult to understand?

    No, the course material is easy to digest and to the point. The goal of the course was tailored for the modern woman who wants to make changes quickly.

    What if I don’t have time for this course?

    Then all we can say is: You really need to consider taking this course.

    Is this only for entrepreneurs? 

    No, it is open to any modern woman looking to master her time and get more done, this is for you too. 

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