
 12 Tips on Never, Ever Giving Up.

It’s easy to give up; throw your hands up in the air and say, “I’m Done.”
(By the way, does the line above remind you of that club song? If it doesn’t, never mind.)
It’s easy to say, “That’s it! I’m throwing in the towel.”
Whose meaning, by the way, as I just learned, comes from a boxer admitting failure or defeat:

 “Based on the literal meaning of throwing a towel into the ring in boxing
(signaling that a fighter can no longer continue
by throwing a towel into the area where the fight takes place).”
-Free Dictionary.com

But that’s not you, and it sure as hell isn’t me. We’re fighting till the end.

This leads us to Tip #1:

1. Make a Decision

Decide before you start that you will not quit. That you will never give up. No matter what happens. You will not stop. It’s not a choice, so you can’t quit even if you want to. You will fight if you must, till the end.


2. Know Why 

Inside of you is a force urging you to pursue the dream, goal, or passion you are after. Within that is also a reason, even if you haven’t asked yourself what that is or articulated it. The same reason drives you to pick up and try again when you’ve gone off the path. Knowing why we are doing what we are doing is a powerful force. There’s a book on the topic: Start With Why, by Simon Sinek. He states:

“No one likes to lose, and most healthy people live their life to win. The only variation is the score we use. For some it’s money, for others it’s fame or awards. For some it’s power, love, a family or spiritual fulfillment. The metric is relative, but the desire is the same.”


3. Visualize the End Result

If you can visualize it, it is already happening, even if not in physical form. Visualize at the result. There are many reasons why this works. The mind does not know the difference between what is real and what isn’t, and therefore it believes what it sees. Most of what we create has started in our minds and thoughts.


4. Don’t Let a Bump In the Road End Your Trip

What if that bump got me a flat tire, and I don’t have a replacement? How will I get there? Easy. Ok, maybe not easy. You walk. It might take you a bit longer than you expected or wanted, but if you do, in fact, want it bad enough, you’ll find a way. Every interesting story has a plot twist. The bump in the road is not the end of the road. Get creative and find a way to go around it.


5. Be Cocky. In a Good Way. Know You Can Make Anything Happen

 You’re a human being. That’s kind of, like, a big deal. You have started with a winning chance. Think about a giraffe trying to do what you are trying to do. A giraffe might be able to do some pretty cool things with that long neck. Think of a fish trying to do what you are trying to do unless it’s holding your breath underwater. Scratch that. Ok, you get the point anyway. We’ve done some pretty amazing things.


6. Learn to Weather Every Storm

Like a captain, you will not abandon ship. Learn to weather every storm. Every struggle. Know it will pass. Be prepared that not all will be smooth sailing. Before you embark, learn as much as you can. Hold on tight, adjust, and hold on some more. Unexpected situations can arise, and it doesn’t mean you can’t get around them.


7. Enjoy the Ride

Gosh, I wish I had known that sooner. Going after something challenging or difficult can lead to worry, stress, and anxiety. It’s ok to know that enjoying good moments does not take you away from getting what you want. It helps you feel better and thus gives your goal or passion your all. Take the breaks. You’re going to need them.


8. Break it Down.

Take actions (steps) to your goal or mission and check them off. Many people give up because they fought with mother patience and lost. Rome wasn’t built in a day. The reward and thrill our brains get from checking things off will motivate you more. So don’t make it harder for yourself by trying to make it all happen in one day.

 9. Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself, not depriving yourself, will also work in your favor. Our brains love to get rewarded and knowing you will treat yourself to something special is a great motivator. Give yourself treats and show yourself some love. Don’t forget you are living now, too, and you don’t want to turn around and realize that you unnecessarily stopped fully living.


10. Use Inspiration

I’ll try anything. I’ve used the symbol of Phoenix to keep me going. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, when the going got tough I knew I would eventually rise. Every time doubt crept in the print out of the Phoenix on my wall rising gave me strength, hope and comfort.Movies and songs are great ways to keep us going. Creating a motivational playlist is very useful when we want to remind ourselves of what we want to do. Keeping a list of quotes that remind you of your goal is a great way to stay on track. Here is one of my all-time favorites:

“Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find.Knock, and it will be opened for you.” – Matthew 7:7 

Affirmation writing is also a very powerful tool. To make things happen we have to believe we can actually make it happen. Sometimes our subconscious thoughts are not aligned with what we say we want. Write out what you desire or want until the belief around it changes. It will reshape your mental maps and your mind will start believing it. The nervous system gets activated and the neuromuscular connection is a powerful tool. I’ve written many things down that I wanted to manifest. Things I had no idea how I was going to make happen, but I would write what I wanted over and over again. Even when I doubted myself, I wrote those affirmations down.


11. Don’t Get Stuck on One Way

Along the way, you will learn many things about that thing you want to do. With new knowledge, you might find adjustments need to be made. Be flexible to learn different ways or new ways of getting what you want.


12. Grow a Thick Skin

This is a must. It can be a lonely road when sticking to a passion or goal. People will say all kinds of things to you for various reasons. You might even hear that your goal is unattainable. Just remember this: “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” -Albert Einstein


Keep your eyes on the prize and know that you have everything you need within you to make anything happen.

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