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Are you waiting for One Day?

Woman Looking with a white top and a hat looking out to sea waiting

Are You Waiting for Happiness? Discover the Truth about One Day Mindset

Are you waiting for one day when everything will happen? When will it all balance out because you have reached all your milestones, and then you’ll be happy? Fully happy. Not waiting for something to happen in order to be happy, kind of happy.

You know what I mean.

Or waiting for a particular situation to pass before you can live your life’s purpose, start working on something you love, or feel fulfilled instead of a constant feeling that overall success will come at a later date.

Are you Waiting?

It’s great to believe and visualize the manifestation of our heart’s desires, but should we place so much trust in the one-day concept? That this or that have to happen before we can really live as we imagined?

Some years ago, I had a wake up call, or should I say text? My best friend and I were chatting about a topic I cannot particularly remember when halfway through our text messaging, I typed: This is it, Lisa! THIS. Is. Life! Whatever the life topic was, I’d had enough of the “don’t worry…one day…talk.” When is this one-day thing that will lead to a perfect blissful “I got all I want in my life” day gonna happen? See, our conversation revolved around some notion that one day, whatever we wanted to have or feel would come. Just not now. Not today. We had to wait. For things to happen that seem to be out of our control.

So what happens between now and one day? Do we live thinking about one day every day? As if being fulfilled can’t happen now? What are these vague things that will magically happen? Does it mean it rests on a future outcome we have no control over? Is it a certain career or relationship? That’s not how it works.

Hadn’t we reached a few milestones already that promised the one-day reward? Yet here we are, wondering when that big reward is coming. Again.

So I realized,

This is one day.

One day is every day and all together is our life!

This is the one day. Every day, we have one day. This is life.

Oh my God!

This is it! This is life

And just like that, my one-day tolerance card had expired.

Because life is happening now! It is always happening. Today. I will not wait for anything to happen to feel content. Maybe it worked for me to a certain extent as a child and teenager when I couldn’t take much action or was still growing into an adult. Back then, I could feel a sense of possibility and feel the freedom to create a vision of how I wanted my life to be when I grew up. Get it? “When I grew up.” I grew up!

But the days have gone, and I realized I might still be waiting for that one day. Even after accomplishments. Because I realized that if one goal didn’t bring the feeling or internal reward I had expected, it was replaced with another: One day when I’m rich, one day when I am married, one day when I have the perfect job, one day when…

No one is coming with my one-day papers. That’s OK, ’cause I’m not waiting. Perhaps that one day can be every day, starting with your decision to feel content with where you are right now, even if you have more milestones to reach. 

We decide. Knowing that we have more control over what we want to feel right now rather than waiting for one day….

This is it.

This is life.

This is one day.

One day is every day, and all together is our life!

Are you waiting for one day?

If you’re looking for a life revamp where you don’t wait for one-day to feel fulfilled, joyfully productive and in control of you life,  check out my course: The Modern Woman Mastermind here


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